Biography of umm sulaimaniya

Ismaili religion

Umm Sulaim bint Milhan Al-Ansariyyah.
biography of umm sulaimaniya

Ismaili shia population

The real name of Umm Sulaym was “Ghumaysa”.


Detailed biography of the Sahabiya Umm Sulaym, the woman who embraced Islam with strength and sincerity, who was the cause of the conversion of Abu Talha, and who was as courageous as pious, because she did not hesitate to go to the battlefield.

Ismaili are muslim or not
Detailed biography of the Sahabiya Umm Sulaym, the woman who embraced Islam with strength and sincerity, who was the cause of the conversion of Abu Talha, and who was as courageous as pious, because she did not hesitate to go to the battlefield.