Josephine bakhita autobiography of miss

When was josephine bakhita born

Josephine Margaret Bakhita (Arabic: جوزفين بخيتة), FDCC (ca.
josephine bakhita autobiography of miss

Why is st josephine bakhita a saint

Mother Josephine Bakhita was born in Sudan in and died in Schio (Vicenza) in This African flower, who knew the anguish of kidnapping and slavery, bloomed .

What is saint josephine bakhita known for

The new English edition of her biography, entitled Bakhita: From Slave to Saint, vividly recounts the unique details, tragedy, and virtues of her life.

St josephine bakhita family
When she was about nine years old, Josephine Bakhita was kidnapped near Darfur, Sudan, by Arab slave traders.