Sa d ibn muaz biography of mahatma

Sa’d bin Muadh (r.a.) - Questions on Islam

Saʿd ibn Muʿādh al-Ansari (Arabic: سعد بن معاذ الأنصاري) (c.
sa d ibn muaz biography of mahatma

Sa d ibn muaz biography of mahatma

One of the heroes of Islam, one of its knights, and an honorable Companion of the Prophet (peace be upon him).

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On the night of Friday during the time of the Battle of Uhud, Hazrat Sa‘d (ra) bin Mu‘az, Hazrat Usaid (ra) bin Hudair and Hazrat Sa‘d (ra) bin Ubadah took up arms and stood Missing: mahatma.
Sa'd ibn Mu'adh: Virtues, Characteristics, Deeds & Death - Who
Abū ʿAmr Saʿd b.